bikini jeans make my soul weep.

These actually render me wordless (which rarely happens), so I’ll just post the pictures.





PS-  If you want to buy these beauties and just love the idea of a built in sparkly whale’s tail, they’re made by Sanna’s of Brazil and they’re only a hundred bucks!  So sexxxxxxxy.  You’ll for sure be the flyest girl at the club!  Bye bye Banana Republic, hello Sanna’s!

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, definitely not politics, fashion, humor, news, pop culture, random, sex, thoughts, weird

6 responses to “bikini jeans make my soul weep.

  1. Awesome stuff –
    I think guys would like to buy it for their girls.
    I will send this page link to my boyfriend and hopefully he should think of getting me a pair 🙂

    Nice blog btw.

  2. Mallory

    The model WOULD have a tramp stamp and a bellybutton ring.

  3. canwepleasestopandreflect

    Oh my good Lord! If I EVER see this on the street, I will do anything necessary to get a picture for my site – this is TACK incarnate.

  4. Pingback: mwhahaha APRIL FOOLS! gotcha good, fuckers! « six words to change the world.

  5. wearing this Jeans i don’t think if i will be single for long. Or else my mother and my father could kill me. Jeezzzzzzzzz… i think if the man will see you wearing this they will lose their launch for sure.

  6. Pingback: Bikini jeans pictures

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