Monthly Archives: January 2010

not a puppy, but still cute.

I don’t dislike cats, but I just don’t really understand them.  The cats I’ve interacted with seem apathetic to the existence of all humans.  I want them to be dogs, and they aren’t.  But I’m sure that’s why cat lover’s love them.

Regardless, this video is pretty adorable.

Just a tip, watch it on mute.

[Posted by Shannon]

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Filed under animals, humor, random, YouTube

youtube clip of today: 911 call.

Don’t be skerd, this is actually adorable:

Thanks to guest blogger Madeline, yet again, for the tip!

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under random, TV, YouTube

some great blogs you should read.

There are so many amazing blogs out there in the wild world of the Internets, and sometimes it’s hard to keep track. I myself read quite a few on a daily basis, and there are plenty I’d like to add to my list and don’t for fear that I would have no time in the day to do anything else. But no matter how long your lists are, I think these two are worth adding:

Unhappy Hipsters was started like yesterday by a friend of a friend and has blown the heck up. The authors have been getting calls from agents and newspapers and MTV and this shit is all over Twitter. And I’ve got to admit, it’s pretty hilarious. For instance:

And then there’s the way i wanted it to be, which I mentioned (but buried) in a post about how lame I am. I’ll say it here again: Atisha’s photos are gorgeous, and I find his writing oddly compelling. Take a look.

It is very important to me that if the authors of these two bloggies get famous, you are able to say that you heard it here first.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under blogging, humor, pictures

on the wonder of the beard.

I know I’ve mentioned this before (ah yes, here, here, here, and here, among other places) : I love beards. Love them. If a dude has one, odds are I’m attracted to him, even if he is attractive in no other way, even if he’s 60 years old, etc. etc. Lately, beards have been all over the place!

First, Susnan sent me this song, with the recommendation that I listen to the last five seconds. You should too:

Then KTray sent me an email that included a link to various beard-y crafts on Etsy. My favorite was this one:

If you want to buy it for me, that would be okay.

A few days later, guest blogger Madeline sent me the following video. If you can’t tell me you love beards after watching it, then we probably shouldn’t be friends:

And then I had a dream that I was making out with Jamiroquai, and he had a great beard. This is particularly bizarre because (1) in my waking life I have no clue what Jamiroquai looks like and (2) I thought Jamiroquai was black, which was weird because in my dream he was white. Turns out, he actually is white, which means my subconscious knows things that my conscious doesn’t. (I also thought Winston Churchill was black until I was in high school. But Winston Churchill didn’t have a beard, so let’s not worry about him here.)

Enjoy the snow, DCites!

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under music, random, thoughts, YouTube

guys, i’m addicted to the bachelor.

Confession: the only show I have been watching regularly this semester (as in, sitting down and watching it when it airs in real time) is The Bachelor. I know. I KNOW. Guys, this show is SO bad. Like, truly awful. It’s cheesy, it’s contrived, it’s uncomfortable to watch, and my roommate and I spend the entire TWO hours yelling at the television in exasperation.

And yet…I can’t stop watching.

It feels good to get that out.

(For the record: we are Team Gia slash Team Tenley slash Team WHO THE HELL IS JESSIE?!)

UPDATE: Apparently I am far from alone in this. About a million people have told me that they have similar inexplicable addictions to this trash. Jamie, Angie, Shan, Maddy, Kaitlin Van…I’m looking at you.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under TV

just six words and a picture.

aka available advertising billboard in NZ.

[Posted by Shannon]

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Filed under celebrities, humor, pictures

oompa loompas don’t sing in heaven.

About a week ago, through E.Lee, Mr. Luz introduced me to the Sleep Talkin’ Man. The Sleep Talkin’ Man is an ordinarily “mild-mannered” English man, Adam, who says some crazy shiz in his sleep. His wife, entertained by all of the sleep talkin’ craziness, decided to start a blog to share Adam’s ramblings with the world.

Now, I’m a really deep sleeper, and I’ve been known to do some sleep talking in my day. (Just ask my roommates, who have at least pretended to be amused when really they probably hate(d) me for it.) But the stuff I say can never compare to Adam’s comments. Here’s a sampling:

“My bagder’s gonna unleash hell on your ass. Badgertastic!”

“Pork chops are most satisfying. Mmmmmmm. Dangle them from the ceiling.”

“Oompa loompas don’t sing in heaven. They tidy up the clouds.”

“Don’t… Don’t put the noodles and the dumplings together in the boat. They’ll fight! The noodles are bullies. Poor dumplings.”

“I’d rather peel off my skin and bathe my weeping raw flesh in a bath of vinegar than spend any time with you. But that’s just my opinion. Don’t take it personally.”

“I’ve got a badger, a dog, a cat, and a sack. Now that I’ve got ’em you can fuck off. All mine.”

I first heard about Sleep Talkin’ Man last week (how’s THAT for ahead of the curve?!), and now he’s getting some “serious” press in the form of British news shows and, this Friday, The Today Show. Go add him to your Google Reader and enjoy, and when the rest of the world starts talking about him on Friday afternoon, say “HA, old news.”

Also, some guy who was once naked in Cosmo beat some lawyer lady who is above campaigning in some important political race in Massachusetts. Sigh. This is something Kathleen would have covered in the good ol’ days, but now she has a “job” or some such thing. Instead, you can read funny things at Wonkette or serious things at the New York Times, or you can just put on your flannel nightgown and cry a little bit, like me. Your call!

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news, humor, pictures

today is a google holiday, hooray!

Today’s Google Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. I’m a little confused by this. MLK’s birthday is actually on January 15, and today isn’t Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Maybe Google is just leaving this one up for a few days. Can anyone confirm whether this Google Holiday was up yesterday (or Friday, for that matter)? Either way, heck yeah Martin Luther King. My friend EA had some nice things to say over at her blog, …and then it’s perfect. I especially liked this post, which includes a graphic I’d been meaning to post myself.

What I was Googling: lima (to get the link for the fundraiser announced below)

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under blogging, news, politics

dc: doctors without borders fundraising event.

Friends of mine are involved with planning the following fundraiser for Haiti, so if you’re in DC and available, please consider attending:

That image may be a little difficult to read, so here are the details:

What: A Doctors Without Borders Fundraising Event
When: Wednesday, January 20 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Lima (1401 K Street NW in Washington, DC)
Why: There will be a suggested donation of $5, and Lima will donate 20% of the night’s proceeds to Doctors Without Borders to help the aid efforts in Haiti. Plus, there will be drink specials and complimentary hors d’oeuvres.

Hopefully some of you DC locals can make it. Whether or not you can attend, please continue to send whatever you can (prayers, money, supplies, or otherwise) to the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news

just six words and a link.

One blogger’s effort to help Haitians.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under blogging, news