Monthly Archives: August 2009

today is a google holiday, hooray!

It’s a Google Holiday AND it’s Saturday AND I have nothing to do except lounge and eat delicious food later. Does life get any better?

Today’s Google Holiday: MJ’s birthday. Today would have been Michael Jackson’s 51st. I’m underwhelmed by this one. I’m over the MJ thing. I was that person who really just didn’t care that he died. I know that sounds awful but I see the situation in one of two ways: 1) he was a good and talented guy who had a really screwy and sad life, so honestly he’s probably better off, or 2) he maybe molested little children, so good riddance. That sounds really mean typed out. Meh.

What I was Googling: metro dc

mj google holiday

In MJ’s birthday honor, let’s listen to MY favorite Michael Jackson song: “I Want You Back.” Thriller Schmiller. The Jackson 5 = summertime and slurpees. Love it. And you’re welcome for the English AND Spanish Portuguese (oops) subtitles. YouTube videos are so funny:

Have a good weekend, kids!

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under celebrities, music, pop culture, RIP, YouTube

sorry ladies, jim’s off the market.


I can hear hearts all over the world breaking.  John Krasinski, who plays the oh-so-lovable Jim Halpert on NBC’s The Office, is officially engaged to Emily Blunt.  The two have been secretly dating since November.

See for yourselves.  And here is one of my favorite Jim moments.

[Posted by Shannon]

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Filed under celebrities, crushes, news, pop culture, TV

turn yourself into a picasso portrait!

picasso head

This is the most fun I’ve had since Yearbook Yourself. That’s me! See the resemblance?! Go to to have your own fun.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under humor, random, the arts

senator edward kennedy dead at 77.


Sad day, folks: Ted Kennedy is dead. From the New York Times:

Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew triumph and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night. He was 77.

The death of Mr. Kennedy, who had been battling brain cancer, was announced Wednesday morning in a statement by the Kennedy family, which was already mourning the death of the senator’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver two weeks earlier.

The Kennedy Brothers

The Kennedy Brothers

Our dear Barry, of course, had kind words to say about Senator Kennedy:

For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts. An important chapter in our history has come to an end. Our country has lost a great leader, who picked up the torch of his fallen brothers and became the greatest United States Senator of our time.

As faithful bloggers trying to keep up with the times, Kathleen and I check Google Trends pretty regularly, to see what the kids are talking about. This morning, nine out of ten of the top ten hottest trends (most Googled items for the day, essentially) related to Ted Kennedy. Yeah, it’s nerdy and technological, but that’s huge. A lot of them relate to the Chappaquiddick incident that’s tarnished Kennedy’s reputation, but he did a lot of good and is widely regarded as one of the most effective senators in U.S. history. R.I.P., Teddy.

UPDATE: I really enjoyed/appreciated Gawker’s honest article about Ted Kennedy’s life. Take a look.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news, politics, RIP, the hill

today is a google holiday, hooray!

I had a FEELING today would be a Google Holiday, and hooray, I was right!

Today’s Google Holiday: The 400th anniversary of Galileo’s telescope. According to this exceptionally that’s-what-she-said-y sentence in The Guardian, the telescope was “a refinement of models first devised in the Netherlands [and] Galileo’s slim, brown stick was puny even by the standards of something one might buy in a hobby shop today.” Italics mine because REALLY?! Poorly chosen wording aside, this telescope thing is responsible for much of our knowledge about the solar system. With Galileo’s slim, brown stick, the world learned that the moon is not completely smooth, that Jupiter has moons, and that the Earth just might not be the center of the universe. Obviously, the Catholic church was pissed off, but we are eternally grateful, eh? Thanks, Galileo! [Somewhat unrelated side note: my fifth-grade science fair project was all about Pluto, and now that Pluto has been demoted, I feel like such a fraud.]

What I was Googling: georgetown yates field house

august 25

Also, did you know that other people (like The Guardian) call Google Holidays “Google Doodles”? WHATEVER, PEOPLE.

And while we are just throwing side notes left and right, number seven on today’s list of hot Google Trends is “how to make shake and bake meth.” Funny, because that’s what I Googled right after “georgetown yates field house.”

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under history, random

heidi montag (pratt?) pretends to sing.

I know you were dying to see this video.  Heidi Montag “performed” her “hot new single” at last night’s Miss Universe pageant.  Let’s take a look, shall we?

Oh goodness.

Something is very wrong with those pants.

Something is very wrong with those pants.

Notice how all of her dancers are brunettes?  Strange.

Well, let’s get one thing out of the way– there is no way in all of God’s green goodness that girl is singing unless there is a synthesizer actually implanted in her throat.  Her dancing is on par with Julia Stiles in “Save the Last Dance”, so mediocre at best.  And the costume?  Yikes, girl.  Britney already did the nude colored body suit thing, and it actually fit her properly.

Those silly Pratts.  Spencer thinks he can rap, she thinks she can sing and dance.  What next?!

I actually watched a solid five minutes of the Miss Universe pageant, and oddly enough it didn’t include Heidi’s performance.  I got to see the top 15 in the evening gown segment, which also featured a ten second clip of why each girl loved her dress.  Simple and elegant were the key words the girls used, yet none of the dresses were simple or elegant.  Meh.  Oh, and in case you didn’t know, Miss Venezuela won.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, celebrities, dance, music, pop culture, random, sex, TV, weird, YouTube

youtube clip of today: double down.

Rejoice, fatties!  KFC has truly outdone itself and I would even venture to say ALL fast food joints with their newest creation, the Double Down.  For some reason, it is only available in Nebraska and Rhode Island right now, so if you happen to reside in one of those states…ummm…lucky you?

I thought this was fake for two reasons.  First, because it’s just so absurd. Secondly, because it’s on Fox News.  But it’s real.  My, my, they do some serious reporting over there!

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under food, health, news, pop culture, random, thoughts, weird, YouTube

what type of facebooker are you?

I thought after I graduated from college, I would become less of a Facebook fiend.  Sadly, I’m in my sophomore year after graduation and I probably spend more time on the social networking black hole than ever.

I enjoy cyber-stalking on Facebook just as much as the next guy, but there are several types of Facebookers that drive me absolutely insane.  This article categorizes them perfectly.  Without a doubt, the Sympathy-Baiter is by far the worst, followed closely by the Chronic-Inviter.


By the way, if you read this article and believe yourself to be none of the above, there is a good chance that you are all 12.

[Posted by Shannon]

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Filed under blogging, humor, pictures, pop culture, post-college depression, random, technology, thoughts

just six words and a picture.

This screen shot comes from

Picture 2

How fitting that it’s a donkey.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under animals, blogging, humor, pictures, politics, random, six word memoirs, thoughts

youtube clip of today: parallel parking.

Yup, no denying it.  This kid can park better than I can.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under babies, blogging, education, humor, pop culture, random, weird, YouTube