Category Archives: news

and the best beard goes to…

The Oscars were on last night. Blah blah, Colin Firth is my soulmate, James Franco was probably stoned, Melissa Leo said “fuck,” etc. Can we talk about the two epic beards of the night? I obviously couldn’t pick just one.

First, I have to give some love and recognition to my boyfriend, Jeff Bridges:

I understand that his beard is not exactly new (which I just spelled “knew” on the first try…embarrassing), but I still love it lots. Also, I wish he could narrate my life.

And then holy Christian Bale beard! Some darkness on the top, a whole lot of ginger on the face…and while I know that many of you (Kelsey) will disagree, I think he kind of rocks it:

I’d also like to take this opportunity to mention that not a single person I was watching with knew that Christian Bale was Welsh. We thought he was faking his accent when he first started talking. And then he cried about his wife. SWOON.

Kathleen and I have a lot to tell you (hint: we are NOT pregnant…yet), but for now, I have to go eat some microwaveable Indian food.

In the meantime, here’s a throwback link that I found while searching the ol’ bloggy for my Jeff Bridges references. Really, Mal, with the Jamiroquai dream?

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under celebrities, crushes, movies, news

nyt: how many deaths are enough?

I loved Bob Herbert’s op-ed in today’s NYT. Here’s an excerpt:

The slaughter of college students — or anyone else — has never served as a deterrent to the gun fetishists. They want guns on campuses, in bars and taverns and churches, in parks and in the workplace, in cars and in the home. Ammunition everywhere — the deadlier, the better. A couple of years ago, a state legislator in Arizona, Karen Johnson, argued that adults needed to be able to carry guns in all schools, from elementary on up. “I feel like our kindergartners are sitting there like sitting ducks,” she said.

Can we get a grip?

The contention of those who would like college kids and just about everybody else to be armed to the teeth is that the good guys can shoot back whenever the bad guys show up to do harm. An important study published in 2009 by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine estimated that people in possession of a gun at the time of an assault were 4.5 times more likely to be shot during the assault than someone in a comparable situation without a gun.

“On average,” the researchers said, “guns did not seem to protect those who possessed them from being shot in an assault. Although successful defensive gun uses can and do occur, the findings of this study do not support the perception that such successes are likely.”

Now go read the whole thing.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news, politics, thoughts

i believe…we can be better.

One of the the portions of last night’s speech that had a huge impact on me:

But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized — at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do — it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we’re talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.

I am guilty of the bolded far more often than I’d like to admit.

Watch Obama’s speech or read the full transcript here.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news, politics, thoughts

today is a google holiday, hooray!

Today’s Google Holiday: 55th Anniversary: Rose Parks refuses to move. I love this one, although I find it disconcerting that on the same day this is a Google Holiday, there’s an NYT headline that reads, “Pentagon Sees Little Risk in Allowing Gay Men and Women to Serve Openly.” That this is a headline in 2010, 55 years after Rosa Parks stood up — or rather, sat down — for herself on that bus, makes me wonder if we’ve really come very far at all.

What I was Googling: blow dry. It’s a LivingSocial thing. Which is it, co-blogger Kathleen?!!?!

In other news, today is December 1 and it was almost 65 degrees in DC this morning. It was also raining, and I bonded with my cohorts at the bus stop as our umbrellas flipped inside out with every gust of wind. Then I got on the sweaty, sweaty bus and stood directly across from a girl I went to college with. We ignored each other. MATURITY.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under adventures, history, news, politics, post-college depression

barbara bush’s guide to artful insults.

While filming a segment for Larry King, Barbara Bush delivered quite the artful insult to Sarah Palin (yes, this was reported a few days ago, but I JUST got my new Macbook power cord!). It’s the kind of thing you shiver from when reading, because it’s just so icy cold. I’m not condoning this behavior, but should you ever find yourself needing to tear someone down without calling them names, here is Barbara Bush’s guide to delivering a slap that really stings:

1. Show that you personally know your subject, giving whatever you are about to say some sort of validation.  (“I sat next to her once “)

2. Pay a flattering compliment, but one that doesn’t insinuate any real intelligence or skill.  (“She was beautiful”)

3. Remark upon something fairly insignificant, reminiscent of small talk.  (“I think she’s very happy in Alaska”)

4. Insert verbal dagger. Twist. And laugh lightly or smile, to make it appear more pleasant. (“And I hope she stays there”)

In the world of political mean girls (Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, Sharron Angle, etc.), Barbara Bush just pulled a Regina George.

Perhaps the former FLOTUS got underneath Palin’s skin, but you know Sarah Barracuda. She doesn’t retreat, she reloads. It was reported today that she sent a team to Iowa to search for a 2012 campaign office. So about that whole staying in Alaska thing… probably not going to happen.

But did Barbara Bush win this round? You betcha.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under celebrities, humor, news, politics, pop culture, thoughts, YouTube

from the dnc: it gets better.

Okay, I know I already posted the YouTube clip of the day, but I can’t wait to post this. This makes me so, so proud to call myself a Democrat:

Nice work, DNC.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under news, politics, thoughts, YouTube

that’s right: hump day cry face.

I was walking home from happy (four) hour(s) tonight and happened to be checking my phone (while still totally being aware of my surroundings, and being very tall and intimidating to robbers and rapists) and I saw that I was tagged in a photo. And it was a Cry Face photo. And it’s Wednesday. And guys, it was a sign. So for this week, and hopefully for a while, I’m resurrecting Hump Day Cry Face. (I know. You don’t believe any of my promises anymore. But for at least this week, I swear I’ll stick to it.) Thanks to the Yangster, here you go:

See that? See how Cry Face ruins the whole photo? That’s power, man. And you know what else is power? Being able to get the entire cast of a teevee show to do Cry Face:

That’s right. Cry Face is officially famous. They ripped me off, but it’s okay because I finally started watching Modern Family and that shit is GOOD. (“This is my Vietnam. And I was IN Vietnam.”)

In other news, I got the mail just now and happened to notice that the latest issue of Health (which my mother sends me, thankyouverymuch) has Hilary Duff on the cover. HILARY DUFF! She was famous like ten years ago for Lizzie McGuire — a totally awesome show, clearly — and has been riding that wave ever since. It’s all very confusing for me, and that means it’s time for me to get in bed.

Goodnight, children…we have a few things in the pipeline, so don’t give up on us yet!

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under celebrities, cry face, news, TV

run away fast as you can.

"I win, because I WIN." (Big Daddy? Anyone?)

Okay, so I’m 24 hours late on this — criminal in the world of social media — but can we talk about the VMAs for a second? And can we talk about how fah-reaking awkward Taylor Swift’s performance was? I want so, so badly to be Team Taylor. (After all, last year at this time I proclaimed myself FIRMLY on her side.) Kanye was a douche last year, no question, and I certainly still can (and often do) belt the lyrics of a Taylor Swift song as loudly and proudly as the average nine year old. But the girl needs to learn how to perform live, and she needs to get over the Kanye thing. If she hadn’t performed that horrible emo ballad that I’ll probably grow to love, she would have come out on top. She’d have been the bigger person. Instead, she gave us all the impression that she spent a year channeling her rage into a single song that she hoped would blow the world away last night. And sadly, it was a huge misfire. No one cared, and then Kanye came onstage and sang an awesomely tongue-in-cheek (I think?) song that I already have stuck in my head. Round two goes to the douchebag.

T.Swift, please pull yourself together. It’s starting to get embarrassing to publicly support you.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under celebrities, music, news, pop culture, TV

today is a google holiday, hooray!

Today’s Google Holiday: The 71st Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz. This is a fun one, no? I loved that movie so much as a child, but I was also completely and utterly terrified by it. I have distinct memories of sitting in the basement of my old house, hiding under blankets whenever the Wicked Witch or those horrible monkeys were onscreen. Not much has changed; on the rare occasion that I watch a scary movie as an “adult” (HAHAHA), I just cover my eyes and plug my ears and then have nightmares for years. (Speaking of which, read this.)

What I was Googling: jordan. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I’M GOING THERE IN A WEEK! I’m like, really excited. I definitely want to blog while I’m there, though I haven’t decided whether I should do that here or make a new blog. Kathleen has a different blog for her travels, but I’m lazy, so do I want to do that? It’s not like we have much going on at Six Words these days. Any thoughts on the subject?

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under movies, news, pop culture, technology, travel

because everyone loves looking at puppies.

First, puppies casually being perfect:

And, second:

Oh, yeah, that’s just an adorable monkey carrying an adorable puppy away from a fire after a pipeline explosion in China. My heart can’t take that shit!

Speaking of shit, the girl next to me at work listens to the radio during the day. When you listen to the radio during the day, you hear some of the same songs over and over, like Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” [Ed. Note: really, with the “gurls”? How does that add to the song?]. I have heard “California Gurls” at least four times today, and while I used to enjoy the song for its airy pop wonderfulness, I’m starting to hate it. Four times in eight hours is way too many times. (But ask me again when I’ve been drinking, and dancing.) You really should read this, though.

I’m trying to blog more, kids. I really am! Send me good, motivational vibes. And funny things.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under animals, music, news, pictures, pop culture, YouTube