Author Archives: K

youtube clip of today: college acceptance.

A high school senior gets his acceptance letter to the University of Richmond.

We know how exactly you feel. SWTCTW welcomes you to the club, kid!

(Cross posted at everythingisavesselforgoatcheese)


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Filed under blogging, education, humor, post-college depression, YouTube

youtube clip of today: baby taekwondo.

This is your Monday moment of Zen, y’all.


[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under babies, definitely not politics, humor, pop culture, YouTube

most offensive picture in the world.

Mallory’s post inspired me, and I’m not going to lie — I’ve missed our baby bloggy, too. So I’m back, again, blah blah blah. I came across this gem while perusing the Tumbly machine and I just knew it deserved a spot on Six Words:

It’s got it all. EVERYTHING that Mallory and I have blogged against in the past! Nic Cage, Comic Sans and Papyrus, Crocs, Internet Explorer, Nickelback. It’s brillz, simply brillz. Who made this? Can we be friends? Because I’m pretty sure we have ESPN or something.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under blogging, definitely not politics, humor, pop culture

youtube clip of today: the turbaconepic.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all. Hope you get to stuff your faces!

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under education, food, humor, pop culture, sex, weird, YouTube

barbara bush’s guide to artful insults.

While filming a segment for Larry King, Barbara Bush delivered quite the artful insult to Sarah Palin (yes, this was reported a few days ago, but I JUST got my new Macbook power cord!). It’s the kind of thing you shiver from when reading, because it’s just so icy cold. I’m not condoning this behavior, but should you ever find yourself needing to tear someone down without calling them names, here is Barbara Bush’s guide to delivering a slap that really stings:

1. Show that you personally know your subject, giving whatever you are about to say some sort of validation.  (“I sat next to her once “)

2. Pay a flattering compliment, but one that doesn’t insinuate any real intelligence or skill.  (“She was beautiful”)

3. Remark upon something fairly insignificant, reminiscent of small talk.  (“I think she’s very happy in Alaska”)

4. Insert verbal dagger. Twist. And laugh lightly or smile, to make it appear more pleasant. (“And I hope she stays there”)

In the world of political mean girls (Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman, Sharron Angle, etc.), Barbara Bush just pulled a Regina George.

Perhaps the former FLOTUS got underneath Palin’s skin, but you know Sarah Barracuda. She doesn’t retreat, she reloads. It was reported today that she sent a team to Iowa to search for a 2012 campaign office. So about that whole staying in Alaska thing… probably not going to happen.

But did Barbara Bush win this round? You betcha.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under celebrities, humor, news, politics, pop culture, thoughts, YouTube

youtube clip of today: baby monkey.

Not only do I want a baby pig, I now also want a baby monkey. They can be friends. Hey, did you know Christmas is 39 days away? (Hint hint.)

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under animals, babies, definitely not politics, humor, music, pop culture, random, weird, YouTube

oh hi. it’s me. once again.

Shameless promotion? Perhaps.

So it turns out that I have crazy patterns when it comes to blogging. Don’t post for a month — er, or four — and then blog every day for six weeks. Now, I usually don’t go all “dear diary” on our dear readers, but I do want to share a reason for my disappearance this time:

I landed my dream job.

I did! I did! And honestly, I don’t know if I even would have gone for it if it were not for this bloggy right here. I’m not going to get in to details, but if you haven’t signed up for LivingSocial already you should. And when you get the deal emails every morning, you better think they are funny.

As always, Mallory does a fabulous job whenever I go on sabbatical. I can’t wait to sit on a couch with our matching Macs, drink wine, and co-blog again.

Reader, we’ve got a lot to catch up on.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under blogging, definitely not politics

attention readership: it’s free slurpee day!

Huzzah! Time to head over to the nearest 7-Eleven and get your free Slurpee– perhaps it will help you fight the heat. And if you live in DC with only one AC unit in your apartment, like yours truly, you need it.

Here’s the link to the store locator:

And I just figured this out while writing the post… want to know why today is free Slurpee day? Because it’s 7/11. JULY 11th! Ahh! So simple.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under news, pop culture, random

youtube clip of today: double rainbow.

Can you imagine having this much enthusiasm about a rainbow? Amazing. And hilarious. Best line: What does this mean!? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was a Will Ferrell sketch.

Enjoy! And happy Thursday, readership!

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under celebrities, humor, pop culture, weird, YouTube

lohan claims a human rights violation.

Oh, LiLo. A few people have passed this my way already this morning. Lindsay is now saying the “f*** u” written on her fingernail was a just a joke, and it had nothing to do with her court appearance. It is almost unbelievable, at this point, that she isn’t smart enough to realize that she is under a microscope and something like that would be seen. Anyway, the Lohan believes all of this criticism is unfair, and that she has been subjected to cruelty, so she took to her Twitter account to clear things up.

She essentially claimed that her human rights had been violated, and tweeted Article 5 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yes, really.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

And then she quotes law professor Erik Luna:

“November 1 marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. But there were no celebrations, parades, or other festivities in honor of this punishment scheme created by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission… Instead, the day passed like most others during the last 15 years: Scores of federal defendants sentenced under a constitutionally perverted system that saps moral judgment through its mechanical rules.”

Well, we all know she’s wrong. And I have a smarty-pants friend that made logical points to counter Lindsay’s rambling:

a.  She’s referring to the wrong body of law- this is a GA assembly resolution- the universal declaration of human rights is not binding to the US.
b. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is binding to the US.
c. Our own constitution protects against cruel and unusual punishment.

Celebrities! Who would we mock without them?

After that, she posted a link to the Newsweek story on Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman who will be stoned to death for adultery. Let’s all hope she isn’t comparing her situation to that human rights tragedy.

But in all honesty, I find it sad that LiLo’s delusional enough to think that she doesn’t deserve to abide by the court’s rules like the rest of us. Maybe this whole experience will do the girl some good. (But that’s been said before, right?)

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under celebrities, cry face, definitely not politics, news, pop culture, random, thoughts, weird