Monthly Archives: June 2010

my heart shall bleed right again.

Currently on repeat:

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under music, YouTube

just six words and a picture.

I think my heart just exploded.

(Via her moments were beautiful.)

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under animals, babies, pictures

youtube clip of today: friggin’ twilight.

As much as it pains me to give one more second of publicity to the Jersey Shore kids, I feel obligated to post this… I did chuckle a bit. And as BuzzFeed put it, “Snooki’s acting shows way more range than Kristen Stewart’s.” See for yourself, readership!

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under blogging, celebrities, definitely not politics, humor, movies, pop culture, sex, TV, weird, YouTube

edith shain, the kissing nurse, dies.

Edith Shain, now famous for being the subject of “one of the most memorable photographs from World War Two,” died on Sunday at 91. You know the photo, right?:

Now I’ve seen this photo about a million times — and was among the 50% of college girls who had this poster up in her dorm room (there was a poster sale on campus, OKAY?) — but I never knew the story behind it. As I went to post this, I wondered if she ended up marrying that guy, or something equally adorable. Turns out, she didn’t even know him. According to le Wikipedia, “In August 1945, Shain was working at Doctor’s Hospital in New York City as a nurse when she and a friend heard on the radio that World War II had ended. They went to Times Square where all the celebrating was and as soon as she arrived on the street from the subway, the sailor grabbed her in an embrace and kissed her.” As one Gawker commenter pointed out, that almost makes the story more amazing; there Edith was, minding her own business, when all of a sudden she becomes part of this iconic moment, captured forever on film.

Rest in peace, Edith, and thanks for being such a good sport. Next time a stranger tries to give me a smooch on the sidewalk, I’ll go with it, and hope someone’s around to snap the picture.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under adventures, history, news, pictures, RIP

just six words and a link.

Comic Sans fights back. I die.

Thanks to E.Lee for the tip. For a reminder of how we here at SWTCTW feel about Comic Sans, see here, here, here, and here.

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under humor, pop culture, random

today is a google holiday, hooray!

Today’s Google Holiday: First Day of Summer! Heck yes! (Although based on the amount that I was sweating yesterday while indoors, it’s been summer here in The Swamp for a while now.)

What I was Googling: soldiers’ angels. My roommate recently signed up for this program, through which you can write soldiers letters, send them care packages, etc. It sounds like an awesome idea, and what I like best is that you are connected with an individual soldier (rather than writing a generic letter to an unknown person). Take a look, if you’re interested!

Enjoy the first day of summer, everyone! I feel like I should go get a Slurpee and watch The Price is Right after swim practice, a la 1995.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under adventures, news, random, technology

joe barton would like to apologize…

I love it when people come up with these things.

Here is one of my favorites:

Joe Barton Would Like to Apologize to BP, for soaking up all your valuable oil with our worthless pelicans.

Thank you GO(B)P, for showing your true colors right before the 2010 elections!

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under humor, news, politics, pop culture, the hill, weird

youtube clip of today: samba baby.

This baby has more rhythm in his tiny little ass than I could ever hope to have in my tiny little ass. I love his sassy attitude, as he points to his invisible crowd of admirers:

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under babies, dance, humor, random, YouTube

youtube clip of today: kitten’s hat.

Ur hat iz stoopid.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: love kittens, hate cats. Why is it that cute kitten videos are always entertaining?

Hope your Monday was as productive as mine!

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under animals, humor, random, weird, YouTube

today is a google holiday, hooray!

Today’s Google Holiday: Happy 100th Birthday Jacques Cousteau! Now, does it count as a birthday if the person is dead? I’m not sure I can support the phrasing of this holiday. They should have titled it, “It Would Have Been Cool If You Were Still Alive, Jacques, Because Then You Would Have Been 1oo!” Then again, if I had worked for Google, yesterday’s National Iced Tea Day and the second anniversary of this here bloggie (!!!) on June 9 would have been featured. They’ll get their priorities straight eventually. Jacques might have done cool stuff in the ocean, but Kathleen and I post funny videos that other people made. I really don’t understand the difference.

What I was Googling: Nothing, actually. (I considered making something up that was kind of awkward/funny, like maybe “the electric slide,” but that would have been dishonest.) I was actually on Google to see if yesterday’s picture party was still going on. Did anyone else see that? Instead of being white, the Google homepage background was a fabulous picture that changed every so often. I think they were advertising a new feature where you can pick any photo you want and have it be your background. I grabbed a screen shot of this baby:

It’s fun, like Fridays are fun! Have a good one!

[Posted by Mallory]

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Filed under history, news, pictures, pop culture, technology