Tag Archives: reunions

a little something for your weekend.

Unfortunately, I won’t be blogging much this weekend. But to get you through, I have compiled a list of links that I most likely would have blogged about or find interesting enough to share, and you’ll have to use your imagination to think of what Mal and/or I would say about them.

This story about siblings torn apart by the Holocaust and being reunited after 66 years made me cry more than watching the video of Christian the Lion. No jokes and nothing snarky to say–there is good in this world.

Here is an interesting piece on Wall-E. The first negative thing I’ve read and it brings up some valid points. Still haven’t seen the movie though. What do you think?

People are over medicated, and our dogs are next. Here is a piece from the NYT Magazine. Since I’m not going to, make all the jokes you want. Make me proud.

There’s going to be a DC version of “The Hills”. I’m pissed, because I wanted to be in it. My idea for a show title was just “The Hill”. Clever, I know. Ha. Shockingly, they went for more party oriented than political party oriented girls…

I love baby names, and I might give someone a candy bar or something to let me name their child. But give up a gas card? HELL NO. Have you seen the price of gas? This story is so wrong on so many levels. I LOVE IT. These people are nutso. Maybe I should do something like this. I bet I could come up with something better than Sunday Rose. Ugh.

And finally, a slideshow of supermodels then and now. Claudia Schiffer is still pretty hot. And girl don’t even get me started on Tyra.

Dunzo. Enjoy. Comment. Have adventures. Miss me. XOXO.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, celebrities, definitely not politics, family, fashion, movies, news, politics, random, the arts, the hill, TV

youtube clip of today: awww, christian!

I was the girl in the movie theater that laughed during Titanic. I usually don’t cry. Perhaps it’s the dramatic music throughout the clip (my apologies for that, I’ve tried to avoid this song since it was notoriously overplayed during summer 1998), or the message at the end (it’s true, I do love you…and apparently viralvideo.com loves me), but this video brought a tear to my eye. I’ve often dreamed about something like this happening to me, but I’m usually in Narnia and dressed like a princess. Um, enjoy.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under animals, random, YouTube