Tag Archives: the rapping flight attendant video

youtube clip of the day: airplane rap.

This is why I love Southwest!  Okay, is it just me, or would this be even better with the Fresh Prince music playing in the back?

My grandmother is actually the cutest person in the world and LOVES to watch the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air on Nick at Night before she goes to bed.  She’ll inform us that she is watching “The Prince” and then retires to her room.  Haha.  Though recently she’s developed an addiction to Keith and Rachel, which conflicts with “The Prince”.  Such is life.

And now that the Fresh Prince theme song is stuck in your head for the next week, I should just help you out/make it worse:

Happy Tuesday!

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, celebrities, crushes, definitely not politics, humor, music, pop culture, random, thoughts, TV, weird, YouTube