Tag Archives: just for alicia

youtube clip of today: wtf blanket.

If you hate the Snuggie commercials on teevee as much as I do, you will find this to be humorous.  Honestly, I think they make people look like Jedi knights.  Which, to some, might be cool.  McStarWars, yours is in the mail.

And just for funsies, here is the actual Snuggie commercial. VOM.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under blogging, definitely not politics, fashion, humor, pop culture, random, TV, weird, YouTube

may the force be with them.

Now I’ve seen it all. Yes, friends, that is a Star Wars themed wedding. The bride, Rebecca D’Madeiros, wore a stunning white, Mon Mothma dress, and the groom, Bill Duda, looked strapping as Admiral Ackbar. They were wed on a beautiful day in June, and were escorted by Imperial Storm Troopers. That is the truth. I am not making that up.

“The wedding was presided over by Yoda, who had secured his marriage licence off the internet in the weeks beforehand and the ringbearer was none over than Princess Leia, sporting her famous gold bikini.

Okay, WTF. And disclaimer, the typo (none over rather than none other) is theirs, not mine. Anyway, way to go upstage the bride, Leia. That’s not cool. If I was the bride, I would have had my bridesmaids all dressed as Chewbacca, just to ensure that I was the hottest one up there. And I’m not even going to discuss the Yoda online marriage license thing. Sketchy.

“It was a lot of fun – after all, it’s not everyday you get to be married by Yoda,” the groom said. Well put, sir. I don’t think anyone will disagree with you on that.

But power of the force to them, this wedding is unique. So congrats you two crazy Star Wars nerds. Mon Mothma, you may now kiss your strange looking alien husband. And if I was familiar enough with Star Wars, I’d make more nerdy jokes. But I’m not. Alicia, help me out? Just kidddddddding.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under movies, pop culture, random, weddings

what really is in a name?

This story was on CNN a few days ago, but it still fits the Six Words standard of newsworthiness. Because it’s just that ridiculous and good. CNN did a feature on kids with unusual names. And if you think your name qualifies for this because you use an “i” instead of a “y” or “ie” at the end of your name, you are quite mistaken.

For example, take the Jones family of Maryland. The Jones’ welcomed their daughter into this world and named her Indiana, after the state. Or so they say. A likely story.

Okay, naming your daughter Indiana Jones is okay I guess. Don’t get any ideas, Alicia. But what, no, rather HOW, they named their son is the kind of ludicrousness that I live to write about and share with the world.

As for Dow Joseph Jones, there was serious talk of naming him Jack Ryan Jones, to keep the Harrison Ford theme. (Jack Ryan is the character Ford played in a series of action movies.) Instead, her husband named their son Dow on a dare while Jennifer was asleep in the hospital bed after giving birth.

She said she cried when she found out and even thought about having Dow’s name changed.

The bolding, for the record was mine, just so you couldn’t miss the shining jewel of absurdity embedded in the quote. She THOUGHT about having Dow’s name changed? If that was me, I’d have a name change and divorce papers within an hour. That poor kid. Do you call him Dowie? Like Howie, but with D? Weird.

Indiana and Dow have tame names compared to some the story mentioned. Open Weaver Banks, I’m talking about you, girl. Her mother named her Open. Now I’m not an adolescent male and I can come up with 100 nicknames/reasons why I would not want to be named Open. I bet a teenage boy can come up with 1,000.

Or even worse, the 9 year old girl from New Zealand who recently won the right in court to get her name changed. Her name (are you ready for this?) was Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii. Ha! Her parents must have been stoned out of their minds. Former Talula, I hope you changed your name to Jane Smith, or something like that. Bless your little heart.

My friends and I have often wondered how much of an impact your name makes on your personality. Being a Kathleen and not having a nickname, I find that I tend to share my name with the 50+ crowd, rather than other 22 year olds. But it stands out, I suppose. Has it made me different? Do I act like an old woman? Nah, not really. Except for this past weekend, but that’s a different story.

I guess it would be easier to have a weird name if your last name was Jolie-Pitt or Kidman Urban (poor Sunday Rose–I said it before and I’ll say it again. That name sounds like a Yankee Candle scent.)? And celebrities are notorious for saddling their kids with bizarre names. But is it just me, or did Angelina give her twins fantastic names? Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline are really cool.

Anyway, I guess there is really no answering my questions. What do you think? But for the love of God, don’t name your child anything that lends itself to a nickname with a bad sexual innuendo. Yes, I’m talking about Open. Again.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under celebrities, definitely not politics, pop culture, random

even stevens? nah, shia’s fairly tipsy.

Shia LaBeouf made a teeny bit of an oopsie–as in, a DUI. Side note, but trying to spell his last name makes me feel as if I’m typing while drunk. It never looks right, and it rarely is. I always have to Wikipedia that shit and then copy and paste. And don’t even get me started on trying to say it. Okay, back to “the news”.

A few nights ago, he was just cruising around in his truck with a friend (who happens to be a girl. Grrr.) and accidentally ran into another car and flipped his truck. Eek. Fortunately, everyone else involved was treated for only minor injuries, but Shia had to have surgery on his left hand and banged his knee up. Ouch. According to his PR person, who is for sure having the worst week ever, he’ll be back to filming Transformers 2 in a month.

This is not the first time he’s gotten in trouble for being plastered. He was arrested last fall for being a jackass at a Walgreen’s (nice work, buddy). He did, however, have a pretty cute mugshot. Even with glassy eyes. See?

Yeah, I’d, um, “date” that. Rawr.

This whole thing is devastating to me, because, let’s face it, the only reason I went to see the ridiculous aliens attack Indiana Jones movie is due to the fact that he was in it. (Sorry, Alicia.) I’ve got a thing for him, but this is not to his credit. I mean, I can’t fantasize about him driving us around in his truck along the California coastline (and me looking gorgeous) if I’m frightened that’s he’s so drunk he’ll drive us right off the edge. UGH.

Whatever, Shia. You got lucky this time. And everybody loves a bad boy, just don’t do it again.

Oh, and just for the irony, here is something he said on Letterman after his Walgreen’s fiasco:

“Drinking and driving is one thing, but drinking and shopping … it’s just as bad.”

Um, I’m going to say drinking and driving is worse, but maybe that’s just me.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under celebrities, crushes, news

youtube clip of today: indescribable feelings.

Okay, so you start watching this clip and it’s a creepy dude just singing/slaughtering one of my all-time favorite songs (and wedding song, by the way. I’m not joking.) But if him staring into your eyes (don’t you dare close your eyes!) and taking himself too seriously isn’t enough, just hold out until the second verse (hold your breath, it gets better!).

Oh, the things people will do to put themselves on the internet.

On a side note, this is my first post in quite a long time. I’d like to commend Mal for being kick ass. It feels good to be back.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under music, YouTube

dancing with the star wars stars.

Eek. This is not a joke.

It might be slightly painful, but stick it out. If only to hear the ridiculous comments the hosts make. Ex- “I didn’t realize plastic could look that good!” Also, it’s one of the most watched videos online right now.

And by the way, this competition was totally rigged. If I were the other dancers I’d go all Luke Jedi knight and use the force on their asses.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under definitely not politics, random, YouTube