Tag Archives: politics

how chris cillizza fixed my day.

So I had one of those days. Well, not really one of those days. Just one of those afternoons. I had a great morning, and then I left my apartment. It was MISERABLE weather in DC today, rainy and gross lie-in-your-bed weather, and my umbrella recently broke. If I were a rational human being, I would have bought an umbrella at the CVS that is literally across the street from my apartment, but I have a problem with boring umbrellas. I hate rain, so when it rains I want to at least have a cute umbrella to make things a little more bearable. This has led to me walking around in the rain umbrella-less for the past two weeks. I managed to get to campus and do some work without getting too wet or too angry about life in general, but then the computers were behaving badly. And then I needed a bagel. And when I went outside it was raining. And I had a frustrating phone call. And then I decided to walk to J.Crew to buy a cute umbrella. And then J.Crew had no umbrellas and I told them, “FINE, I’ll just go to GAP then!” And then my button (the essential middle button, mind you) popped off of my coat and I almost burst into tears. And then I paid $24 for a new (very cute) umbrella at Anthropologie, even through I know it will break, like, tomorrow, because it’s an umbrella from Antropologie. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS, PEOPLE.

It was at this point in the day (circa 4:45 p.m.) that I thought maybe I should just call it a day, go back home, maybe pop some popcorn, and hide under my covers because my heat doesn’t seem to work yet. In a feat of exceptional courage, however, I pushed through. And I went to the event I was supposed to go to at 5:15, which was with Chris Cillizza from The Fix. (Feel free to give my title a high five for punniness now.) Guys? He is great.

I don't know the context of this picture, but I like it.

This is just a guess, but I don't think that's his real body.

As I watched him talk, I was like, “Hmm, I wonder if he’ll be my best friend.” He was smart and self-deprecating and had funky glasses and talked about his baby. I was obviously a goner. And he made an interesting point about the difference between voice and bias, which was interesting. As in, it’s one thing to call out Sarah Palin for objectively being an idiot (or, to use the example he gave, to commend her for rhetorically delivering a solid speech at the RNC), but quite another to condemn every Republican action simply because it’s a Republican action. In other words, there’s a difference between having an opinion and being partisan. Not that that’s what we do here at SWTCTW, but I appreciate his point. Mr. Fix also commiserated with me about the meanness of bloggy commenters (I obviously told him about the Great Monkey Debate of 2008), so that made me like him even more.

I think what I’m trying to say is that my day got better. Thanks, Chris Cillizza!

Big college reunion this weekend, which means our SWTCTW “correspondents” from all over the country will be flooding the District with inside jokes and obnoxious dance moves. Watch out, people.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under blogging, crushes, humor, politics

specter sees the light, joins dems.

arlenspectorRepublican Senator Arlen Specter, a well-known moderate, has announced he is joining the Democratic party and he will run as a Democrat in 2010.  This is not a huge surprise.  He has consistently voted with the Democrats since Obama has been elected.  Apparently though, our Veep, Mr. Biden is the one that convinced him.  Way to go, Joe!

Obviously as a Democrat, I am happy that we have one more crucial vote in the Senate.  (Now if they would just get that pesky Minnesota seat settled and swear in Al Franken…)  But let’s look at the larger picture here.

I always like to give credit where credit is due.  I am, after all, a first born child and I LOVE to be recognized when I’m right or when do a good job.  (Do you think they’ll give me gold star stickers for a job well done in the real world?)  The Republican party, over the past ten years, has done a fantastic job at messaging.  Ex- It didn’t matter that he wasn’t smart, America just needed a president you can sit down and have a beer with.  This, of course, turned out to be an EPIC FAIL.  But the American people bought it in 2000 and 2004.  Here’s another good one:  All Democrats are socialists who want to take away your guns and hard earned money, abort your babies and let the terrorists win while turning the US of A into a godless nation.  A slight exaggeration, but I can only hope that you get my point.

But while the GOP was painting moderate Democrats and the actual socialists with the same brush, they neglected the fact that their own party has its moderates.  And maybe, just maybe, the party’s message was excluding them.

It’s weird, but I think Meghan McCain is the most logical spokesperson the GOP has right now.  Naturally, I will disagree with her on some points, but at least she’s says things that make sense.  And if they are looking for the youth vote, I’m pretty sure MM will have a better chance at reaching out to young people then Rush Limbaugh.  Or that wretched Ann Coulter.  Ugh.

I don’t really feel like analyzing how the GOP can fix its problems when I think there are bigger problems to solve… like the economy.  I’ll let you know when I figure that one out.  In the mean time, my trust is in B.

But welcome to the real party, Sen. Specter.  Time to get down to business.  There’s work to be done.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, celebrities, news, politics, pop culture, random, the hill, thoughts

i voted for a republican today.

Having been accused of only seeing things as a Democrat, I’d just like to announce that I transcended party lines today (take THAT, Mike.) and voted for a Republican.  This was a very serious and thoughtful vote that I took, and I stand by my decision.  I voted for Republican Congressman Aaron Schock as the hottest Congressional Freshman.

The choices?

Glenn Nye of Virginia, Aaron Schock of Illinois, Jim Himes of Connecticut, Tom Perriello of Virginia, and Jared Polis of Colorado.  Nye has solid good looks, and Himes is pretty foxy.  But Aaron Schock? RAWR.  Very, very…pretty.


And he’s only 27.  True story, he’s the first member of Congress to be born in the 80s.  Thanks, Huffpo, for the factoid.

Vote for yourselves!


[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under celebrities, crushes, news, politics, pop culture, random, the hill, thoughts, Uncategorized

vote vote vote for barack obama!

Dear readers,

It’s me, Kathleen.  Your long lost blogger.  I have not posted in a very long time and what I have posted in recent weeks has been fairly weak.  But that’s because I’ve been working to save the Constitution…no big deal.  Today, I hope you go vote for Barack Obama.  He’s a good man and he’ll make a wonderful president.  He is someone that understands our story.  He’s one of us. Please look at the pictures Mallory posted.  So vote.  And get your friends to vote.  It really does make the difference this time around.  And I’m going to ask you to take it a step further.  Don’t just vote for the captain, vote for the team.  This means electing the people that are going to help make B’s glorious vision a reality.  I’m talking about your House and Senate races here, people.

Today is going to be historic.  I cannot wait to wake up tomorrow and know that the world is a better place.

Catch you on the flip side.  I’m off to the polls.




Filed under blogging, history, news, politics, pop culture, random, thoughts

whatever happened to good ol’ ralph?

I hate that I am posting so many article links without much commentary, but this is a pretty busy couple of days for me. Posting quick excerpts and links is a way for me to feel like I’m still involving myself and this blog in some sort of discussion, because obviously there are a LOT of things to be discussed right now. 

MSNBC’S First Read had a blurb in its afternoon political roundup today that I found pretty compelling:

At a rally at the University of Maryland, Independent Party candidate Ralph Nader criticized the way the media covers the presidential race, citing the fact that Joe the Plumber has gotten more political coverage than the Nader-Gonzalez tandem.

Of course you could make a lot of points on either side of the question of Ralph v. Joe, but it’s a question worth thinking about. Read a little more here.

[Posted by Mallory]

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palin pals around with democratic donkeys.

And by pals around, I mean wears them around her neck.  I can’t help but wonder if this was part of the $150,000 the RNC (AKA those who donated to the RNC–don’t you feel hoodwinked?) paid for.

The main point of this post was to point out how clueless Palin is.  I mean, the woman is legit wearing a scarf that screams vote Democratic.  (Where can I get me one of those?!)  Buuuut since I have your attention, let’s talk about that $150,000.

So much for being a small town hockey mom, eh?  That’s probably twice as much, if not more, than Joe the fake plumber makes in a year.  That’s more than a college education.  That’s health care for a small business.  That’s a ton of money to spend on clothes.

So I think the argument of Republicans being fiscally conservative is now thrown out the window.  Because, oh girl, some of those clothes…I could have gotten at Forever21 for twenty bucks.  And if I wanted to go “upscale”, I could still find them at Macy’s.  On sale.  Those clothes are pretty basic.  So we all know what the Republicans and Sarah Palin choose to do with their money.  They are not bargain shoppers.  I mean, look at the national debt.

What would you do with $150,000?  Where do your priorities lie?

How dare she talk about relating to Americans struggling to pay their bills and get their kids through school.  How dare she?  Oh doggone it, you betcha that Joe Six Pack doesn’t go on shopping sprees with the RNC’s plastic.

UPDATED:  From Politico, here is Johnny’s defense of the $150,000.

“She needed clothes at the time,” McCain told a group of Florida reporters.

And now, to add on to tragedy that is Sarah Palin, let me just attach a supposed copy of her report card and SAT scores, compliments of one of our DC correspondents.

OUCH.  Baby girl didn’t even break a thousand.

Sorry for ranting a bit.  I’m all fired up.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under blogging, celebrities, fashion, money, news, politics, pop culture, random, thoughts

hump day isn’t just for crying.

On this lovely little October Wednesday, I’d like to share some random thoughts with you. (Don’t worry…cry face is coming.) I haven’t posted in a while either, and it’s partly because my mom was here in DC to visit, and partly because my computer broke. (And I have to go to Arlington to fix it…THE HORROR!)

I had a lovely little weekend with the mother, and we got to do some touristy things and eat a lot and she took me to do this foreign activity — shopping — that we poor grad students (read: irresponsible grad students who’d rather spend their $75 weekly budget on overpriced gin and tonics than clothes) can’t do very often. (Random side note: a kid I don’t know very well who tends to be sort of loud and intense just looked over my shoulder and was like “OOH someone has a WordPress blog!” Which made me self conscious.) (Yes there are too many parentheses in this post.)

Um where was I? Ah yes, random thoughts. I’ve been in a weird mood for the past few days. Alternately introspective in a delightful, happy way and in a depressed, go-home-and-listen-to-Dashboard way.  First of all, I’ve been having lots of political debates with my family. In fact, I’ve argued with every member of my immediate family this week. My mother is still on the fence about the election, due to the fact that she has been brainwashed by my father. My sister is currently being brainwashed by her conservative Kansas friends to be “terrified of Obama.” My father has been palling around with McCain for years, but we recently got in an email debate about abortion, in which I threw out the cliche trump card…”Dad, what if I was raped and got pregnant?”

Things have been getting kind of heated, which has been giving me agida. Unfortunately, I often get so angry that I can’t articulate coherent thoughts. All I want to scream is “HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE RELATED TO ME?! JUMP IN THE TANK WITH ME AND BARACK!” and then make them carve Barack pumpkins while looking at pictures of Sasha and Malia.

Sigh. Let’s just say I had to wear my flannel nightgown last night.

I’ve also had lots of emo thoughts about some of the relationships in my life. I won’t get into the nitty gritty details, but I’ve come to a realization about what I value in a person. Above all, I value the following two qualities: authenticity and wackiness. I can’t stand people who are inauthentic, in all the forms that takes. And it’s not to say that I’m perfectly honest and perfectly myself 100% of the time, but I’d like to think that my core personality is fixed, and that I don’t radically change who I am based on who I’m around. Too many people do that. I hate that.

And then there’s wackiness. If you’re authentic and not wacky, I’ll probably respect you, but I won’t want to hang out with you. It’s like when people say “Well, so-and-so’s just really nice.” To which I respond, “Nice doesn’t cut it. Nice is fine. But nice is boring. I don’t want to hang out with nice.” If you’re not just a leeeetle wacky, it’s not worth it. Having friends with a little wacky in them is what makes it possible for me to still have friends even though I sometimes wear flannel nightgowns and say weird things and dance really awkwardly and am kind of a nerd.

If you’re wacky, authentic, and in the tank for Barack, I totally love you right now. Bring your flannel nightgown over. We’ll drink red wine and watch the Food Network and maybe have a dance party to old Aaliyah songs. It will be great.

If you’re not into any of the above maybe just look at the picture of Pam and Dwight and Jim until you’re so happy you almost cry. Even unauthentic boring people who love McCain deserve to feel happy once in a while.

[Posted by Mallory]


Filed under cry face, dance, family, music, politics, post-college depression, thoughts, TV

come on colin, help barack out.

Colin Powell, everyone’s favorite good guy who worked for the bad guys, might endorse Santo Barack O.  Like Tony the Tiger would say, that’s grrrrrrrrrreat!  Everyone and their mother is speculating as to when (but if I had to guess, I’d say tomorrow and he says that Barack’s performance in tonight’s debates compelled him to endorse) and looking for clues.  But Fox News’ America’s Election HQ (why would you go anywhere else for news?!) has the clue to end all clues.  Here is their headline and sub-headline, I shiz you not.

Hip-Hop-Dancing Colin Powell Fuels Speculation He’ll Endorse Obama
Colin Powell showed off his hip-hop moves at an ‘Africa Rising’ celebration in London Tuesday, fueling speculation that the former secretary of state is about to endorse Barack Obama for president.

He hip-hop danced! That means he’s black!  Which means he’s definitely endorsing Obama!

Along with the sure to be Pulitzer winning investigative journalism, Fox also provided pictures of Gen. Powell engaging in practices that surely indicate his intentions to endorse Barry.

Look at him. LOOK AT HIM.  He’s been tainted by HOPE.

Posessed by CHANGE:

Colin, welcome into the loving arms of the Democrats.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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Filed under celebrities, dance, humor, news, politics, pop culture, random, thoughts

blog: yes we can (hold babies)

Say it ain’t so Joe, here I go again blogging about other people’s blogs.  (Hardy har har)  As if Saint Barack could not get any more perfect, now you can look at sickeningly adorable pictures of him with non-voters.  That means babies and other mini humans.  Yes, you can.  Yes, you want to.  Yes we can (hold babies).  Love love love.

Make this man president. DO IT.

[Posted by Kathleen]


Filed under babies, blogging, celebrities, crushes, politics, pop culture, random

just six words and a picture.

John Mccain and Benedict Arnold embrace.

[Posted by Kathleen]

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